My Beloved Son: Jan 26 sermon summary

SCRIPTURE TEXT: “Now when all the people were baptized, and when Jesus also had been baptized and was praying, the heavens were opened, and the Holy Spirit descended on him in bodily form, like a dove; and a voice came from heaven, “You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased.” - Luke 3:21-22

In his sermon, My Beloved Son, Jason delves into the transformative truth of our identity as God’s beloved children, a concept rooted in Luke 3:21-22, where God declares Jesus as His "beloved Son" at His baptism. This moment not only reveals the eternal relationship between the Father and the Son but also reflects the identity of every believer. Through passages like Galatians 3:26-29, Jason explains that our fundamental identity is not defined by ethnicity, status, or gender, but by being sons and daughters of God, a truth symbolized in baptism. This belovedness is not based on merit or achievements but on the Father’s unconditional love, rooted in His very nature. Jesus’ identity as beloved is not dependent on what He does, but on the Father’s love, and this same love is extended to us, as affirmed in John 17:20-23 and 1 John 4:10.

The sermon emphasizes that this understanding of belovedness has the power to change everything about how we view ourselves and live our lives. Our belovedness offers security that is unshaken by our sins, failures, or feelings of inadequacy. As Henri Nouwen suggests, feelings of shame, rejection, or failure do not define us; the truth of our identity as God’s chosen and cherished children does. This identity also transforms how we respond to suffering, fear, and relationships, empowering us to live with confidence, compassion, and purpose. In Scripture, we read that Jesus’ security in His belovedness enabled Him to endure rejection and even the cross, where He reaffirmed His trust in the Father (Luke 23:46).

In contrast to God’s love, there are certainly limitations of modern ideas of self-love. While self-love is powerful, it can lead to pride or self-loathing when detached from the foundation of God’s love. True self-love is anchored in the Father’s love, which reveals why we are sacred and beloved. This foundational truth of being God’s beloved sons and daughters is the most important aspect of our identity, and it changes how we see ourselves, others, and the world around us. Friends, be encouraged to embrace this truth, which leads to a life that reflects the Father’s love and transforms every aspect of our existence.

Title: My Beloved Son 

Biblical Text: Luke 3:21-22

Teaching Series: Nothing Impossible

Preaching Date: January 26, 2025

Preacher: Jason C. Helveston


Led by the Spirit: Feb 9 sermon summary


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