At Church in the Square, we’ve been learning the joy and power of being in this together with friends and organizations throughout Chicagoland and the world.
Grace & Peace MINISTRIES
Whether they’re distributing food to their neighbors, responding to a national housing crisis, or helping thousands of migrant families find their footing again, GAP Ministries empowers people and points them to the goodness and grace of the Heavenly Father.
“The Humanity Share did not begin in a boardroom—it was humbly founded on a friendship between two people who knew that, together, they could create something positive.
“In 2007, professional ballerina and founder Kristin Naylor spent nine weeks living in Ongata-Rongai, an informal settlement in Kenya. Kristin served alongside her host parents, Mary and Peter, at the two day-schools they had founded for vulnerable children in their community. As a result of those experiences and relationships, Kristin chose to take action against the inequities she witnessed.
“Through a mutual friend, Kristin met Pastor John Kiroka, a pastor in Ilbissil Village. Pastor Kiroka’s community did not have access to a clean water source. He knew that securing access to this resource would unlock a multitude of opportunities. Kristin took action by living out a simple principle: Take what you know and use it for good. Upon returning to the U.S., Kristin gathered her dance company and put on a performance to fund a clean water project in Pastor Kiroka’s village.
“Pastor Kiroka’s leadership and vision, partnered with Kristin’s passion and gift of dance, created a spark that ignited a team of volunteers across the US, Kenya and Ethiopia, committed to bringing a relationship-driven, holistic approach to poverty alleviation in East Africa.”
“Since its founding, the heart of TCP has been to see thriving, connected churches established throughout Chicago. The initial vision came in the summer of 2000 when Pastor Jon Dennis and a few Chicago leaders attended a conference in London on church planting, featuring teaching by leaders from Sydney, Chicago, New York, and London. At that conference, Tim Keller made the point that “no one church can reach a city by itself” and a vision was born - scribbled on a napkin late after the conference day was over.
“After praying for several years, the vision was realized and The Chicago Partnership launched in 2009. Three initial churches each contributing $25,000 to help fund church planters - Park Community Church, Holy Trinity, and Moody Church. The work of training, coaching, and helping fund church plants throughout the city began. Over the last twelve years, TCP has helped to plant over 20 church plants, partnering with local churches and Redeemer City to City.
“The Chicago Partnership has continued to grow in number and the vision has expanded as well. While continuing to train and fund church planters, we’ve also turned our attention to church revitalizers and church leaders serving in established congregations.”
truth & beauty publishing
In 2024, the members of Church in the Square started Truth & Beauty Publishing. This organization exists to produce gospel resources that help people enjoy the truth and beauty of Jesus.
new thing Chicagoland movement
New Thing helps to catalyze multicultural church planting networks to transform Chicagoland.