Three (or Four) ways the Father loves Elijah (and you)
Church in the Square Church in the Square

Three (or Four) ways the Father loves Elijah (and you)

Elijah is running for his life. (It’s a story found in 1 Kings 19. If you haven’t or it’s been a minute, you should read it.) The prophet is so weary and fearful that he sits under a tree and asks God to take his life. But instead, the Heavenly Father shows him love.

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Upward, outward, and inward fruit
Church in the Square Church in the Square

Upward, outward, and inward fruit

To demonstrate how Jesus has transformed their lives, Paul points out three ways the truth has produced fruit in the lives of his Colossian readers.

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Hope in Fear, Sorrow, and in the flesh
Church in the Square Church in the Square

Hope in Fear, Sorrow, and in the flesh

Fear is all around us. Some of us are afraid of the impending presidential election. Others are anxious about our next meal––namely, residents of Palestine and migrants in Chicago. Others still are worried about naming the internal wounds caused by a family member. We're a profoundly anxious people. W.H. Auden won the Pulitzer Prize in 1947 for his poem The Age of Anxiety. Many find his title and words just as true in our age.

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A New World, Breaking in
Church in the Square Church in the Square

A New World, Breaking in

Throughout the first Easter week, Jesus talked about something he called the kingdom. It was a new world he came to build on earth. And by the end of the week, he found himself in the headquarters of Pontus Pilate, who essentially held Jesus' fate in his hands. Pilate was the Roman-appointed governor of the district. The conversation John records centers on the nature of this kingdom.

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