ICI Basketball League

Our friends at ICI are relaunching their high school basketball league in March. Because of the pandemic they’ve been unable to host this league since 2019. They’re looking for people willing to sponsor players, specifically to purchase jerseys. All it takes is a gift of $20 per player and a commitment to pray for the players and students.

Jordan Ryan, who runs the league shared a bit about what we can expect from supporting a player …

Each sponsor will receive a detailed letter about their ‘player’ that they can put up on their fridge (if they choose), complete with a brief background on that individual and prayer requests specific to them. The sponsor will also have the option of coming to their players games at ICI to meet them and support them in that way. My dream for this would be that it lead to actual relationship between sponsor and player. I could envision sponsors bringing gatorades or even baked goods to their player. The ask definitely does not require all of that, but the opportunity for connection is there.

The plan is to have about 30 players participate in the league from ICI who will participate with other teams from other groups.

If you or your group would like to contribute please visit ICI giving page “basketball jersey" in the "Gift Notes" box.


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