Back in-Person

We've got some updates about gatherings and groups.

Let's talk about Sunday gatherings first. Our elders and deacons are excited to share that we'll start gathering in-person again on Sunday, February 13th. As always we'd like to explain what to expect and why we made this decision.

We'll gather in many ways as before: masks must be worn at all times regardless of vaccination status and no registration or capacity limits will be observed. However we will not be restarting our children's discipleship time just yet. We're hopeful that will happen by mid-March.

If you remember, the biggest determining factor of refraining from in-person gatherings in January was the spike of the Omicron variant. Seeing national and local numbers declining, gives us confidence we can gather again safely. This does not mean we think the pandemic is over or will be short-lived. The threat of sickness is still very real. We simply are encouraged that we can gather safely and wisely as we have previously.

Now, let's talk about groups. Our recommendation is to continue to meet remotely. However, our groups and group members have different needs and experiences. So, we're asking group leaders to connect with their groups, discuss safety, talk about your needs, and determine if there is a way for you to meet in homes again, in-person starting February 1st.

We want everyone to be safe and to shoulder one another burdens. But we are also the Body of Christ, an incarnate people who are meant to embody Jesus together. Making decisions with these two values in mind through this pandemic has been really challenging. Let's continue to be prayerful for our leadership, one another, and our neighbors.


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