Article VI. Elders

We are currently considering two elder candidates. Aaron Sweeney and Derec Schmidgall have been in a process most of this year praying, interviewing, preaching, and meeting with our elders, deacons, and members in order to discern the Lord's will about their appointment.

As a reminder, this month is serving as a 30-day review process, per our by-laws. If you have any questions or concerns about their nomination as elders (according to the qualifications laid out in the New Testament), please share those directly with Aaron or Derec, or with Juan and Jason (our current elders).

Please review our process and qualifications for elders below.


A. Overview of Elders and Elder Team. 

Elders shall all work together to oversee the operational and ministry activities of Church in the Square and to ensure the spiritual well-being of all attendees. For purposes of Illinois law and the Act, those Elders appointed to the Elder Team shall function under the law as the board of directors of the Corporation (as defined in Addendum A attached to these bylaws) with full authority to handle all responsibilities charged to a governing body under the Act in accordance with these bylaws.

The Elders have one Head, one Shepherd, one Master, one King, one High Priest, one Leader —the Lord Jesus Christ. While their specific responsibilities and tasks may differ as set forth herein, the Elder Team shall serve in glad submission to the Lord Jesus Christ and the Word of God and walk humbly with each other while seeking to bring glory to God. From a practical, day-to-day standpoint, the Elders appointed to serve as the Elder Team shall be responsible for the shepherding, discipling, and overseeing the effective operations of the various ministries of the Church. All Elders are required to uphold the General Responsibilities, Characteristics, and Qualifications for Elders set forth in these bylaws. The Elder Team shall have authority to bind CITS to legal contracts or approve corporate actions on behalf of the Corporation.

B. General Responsibilities. 

The New Testament teaches that elders are the spiritual leaders of this local community of God’s people, providing pastoral oversight for the people and biblical direction for the ministry. The Elders are a group of men who are subject to and accountable to God and to each other. The Elders’ responsibilities are as follows:

1. Leadership of the Ministry. Through their example of service and godliness, while avoiding the use of their position to demonstrate domineering and selfish attitudes, the Elders are responsible for providing the proper vision and influence concerning the Church’s character, conduct, and direction. (1 Peter 5:2-3)

2. Shepherding of the Flock. Although the privilege and responsibility of serving, loving, and caring for each other belongs to all members of the body, the Elders are to care pastorally for the flock that God has entrusted to their oversight. As they are taking responsibility and exercising initiative in this task, it will involve:

(a) Guidance, providing direction for the congregation through all major decisions and giving wise counsel regarding the spiritual lives of the flock (Acts 20:28); 

(b) Protection, refuting false doctrine and teaching and guarding against destructive factions (Titus 1:9, Acts 20:28-31); 

(c) Encouragement, supporting and teaching members of the congregation as they grow in Christ (I Thessalonians 4:1); 

(d) Comfort, bearing the sorrows, grief, and pain of God’s people (I Thessalonians 2:11-12, Galatians 6:2); and

(e) Care, providing comfort and help for the physical needs of individuals in the congregation (Acts 20:35, I Timothy 3:5, James 5:13-16).

3. Teaching and Exhortation. Elders are to ensure that the people are properly trained through accurate biblical instruction and, therefore, are equipped for the work of the ministry. They shall also serve as the final authority on Church doctrinal positions and policies (1 Timothy 3:2, Titus 1:9, Ephesians 4:12).

4. Discipline. Elders are to ensure that confrontation regarding ongoing sin is carried out in a biblical manner (I Thessalonians 5:12; 2 Timothy 2:25). See Article XIII.

5. Prayer. Elders are to pray for the physical and spiritual well-being of the congregation and they are also to model lives of faith and prayer (Acts 6:4, James 5:14).

C. Characteristics and Qualifications of Elders. 

The role of biblical eldership can only be fulfilled with the presence of biblically qualified leadership. Therefore, it is imperative that the Elders be chosen for their maturity, giftedness, and adherence to the biblical qualifications. An individual must meet these biblical qualifications for the office of Elder in order to be appointed and he must continue to reflect these qualities in order to remain an elder. Therefore, their characteristics and qualifications, taken from 1 Timothy 3:1-7 are as follows: above reproach, husband of one wife, sober minded, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, not a drunkard, gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money, and manages own household well.

D. Number and Composition for the Elder Team. 

The number of Elders on the Elder Team shall be no less than three (3) members. The Elder Team may from time to time, by amendment of these bylaws, change the number of Elders but in no case shall the number be less than three (3). All Elder Team members shall meet the biblical qualifications for Elders set forth in these bylaws and shall be subject to the appointment, term of service, and resignation or removal provisions for all Elders set forth in this Article. The Elder Team shall be comprised of both lay and vocational elders—the number of vocational elders may be equal to but never greater than the number of lay elders.

E. Appointment of New Elders. 

God’s Word gives evidence of the first elders being appointed by the founders of the church. This example implies that the existing leadership of a church is intimately involved in the process of selecting elders to ensure selection based on biblical qualifications. Beyond this, there are no specific guidelines regarding the selection process.

For purposes of Church in the Square, all Elders shall be appointed by the Elder Team, prayerfully and in accordance with the Scriptures, all being under the Holy Spirit’s direction (Acts 14:23, 20:28; Titus 1:5). Church in the Square also recognizes the importance of all Elders being affirmed by the congregation. Each year, the Elder Team shall determine the number of positions, if any, to be filled. If they determine that additional Elders are needed, they shall continue with the process for Elder selection. They will be affirmed in their qualifications and trained to shepherd the flock of God.

The name(s) of the prospective Elder(s) shall be brought before the members of the Church in the Square, who will be given 30 days to show cause why any one of the prospective Elders would not be qualified to serve. Consistent with Matthew 18:15 and 5:24, any member with such cause must express his or her concern to the prospective Elder and must also express his concern to the church Elders for their consideration.

After the 30-day period, the prospective Elders will be presented to the members of Church in the Square for a service of corporate affirmation and dedication.

F. Terms of Service for Elders. 

All Elders shall serve for an indefinite term and will be reaffirmed annually by a unanimous vote of the Elder Team present and voting. Any man’s service as an Elder may be discontinued by his own decision or by a unanimous vote of the Elder Team as outlined in Section G fo this Article entitled “Resignation and Removal of Elders”. Notwithstanding the foregoing, each Elder will hold office until the first of the following to occur: 

(1) his successor shall have been duly appointed and qualified; 

(2) his death or disability;

(3) he resigns in writing; or 

(4) he shall have been removed in the manner hereinafter provided.

G. Resignation and Removal of Elders. 

Any Elder may resign at any time by giving written notice to the Elder Team. Such resignation will take effect on the date of receipt or at any later time specified therein. Any Elder may be removed at any time, with cause, by a resolution adopted by both a unanimous vote of the Elder Team present and voting. Arbitration will be enforced if unity is not achieved through this initial process.

H. Vacancies. 

In the event of vacancy occurring in the Elder Team, the Elders may appoint an individual who was a previous nominee for eldership, or may reinitiate the entire selection process, as they deem necessary.


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