Serve Teams Update
Serving is about following Jesus. He famously said, he did not come to be served, but to serve and give his life as a ransom for many (Mark 10:45). Because of Jesus we serve. Christians serve others and each other in various ways; when the church is gathered and scattered. Therefore serving is about more than volunteering our time, it's about picking up our cross and following Jesus. So at Church in the Square you have to be a member to join a serve team and as members we're expected to serve. In other words, we're in this together!
The logistics …
Starting April 11th there will be 4 serve teams; we would love for you to consider serving on one of them.
You can learn more about these teams and sign-up to serve through the Church Center App. You can also click any of the above photos to learn more and sign-up. Make sure you choose the team you would like to serve on and then "Ask to Join". Someone from our team will then reach out in the next couple of weeks.
As a reminder, you must be a member at CITS to serve on one of these teams. If you aren't yet a member, sign-up here for the membership class on May 2 at 7 PM.
Let Christina Wolken know if you have any questions!