No In-Person Gatherings in January

It's clear the latest variant is here. Our city has not only experienced record infection ratesbut has also enacted a vaccine mandate in many restaurants and businesses. This upward trend is consistent statewide and nationally. As of 12/29 community transmission rates are defined as 'high' in 85% of counties throughout the United States. It is worth noting that this again places the most vulnerable populations at increased risk. Closer to home, we've seen increased positivity rates in our church community and neighborhoods. Since March 2020, I know we've all tried to be mindful of the real impact of this disease yet remain prayerful and faithful to our calling as a church family. 

All that being true our elders and deacons determined this week that it's unwise for us to gather in-person this month. This is not only the case with our Sunday gathering, but also for groups. Group leaders and groups we're asking you to gather online only this month. Please touch base as groups and with your group coaches this week or next to talk about your plan for gathering in January. Our group guides will be available at the start of next week. 

Our Sunday worship gatherings will continue to be live-streamed from ICI as it was on December 19th with only a handful of necessary and fully vaccinated members serving in music, teaching, and production. We'll be in touch with those teams soon.

As we've quoted multiple times during the pandemic, Jesus said, "in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world" (John 16:33). Taking heart is not about finding courage within ourselves nor in the presumption that our situation and lives will get better quickly or ever. Rather taking heart is about surrendering our lives and children and careers and well-being to the care of the one who has overcome everything that afflicts us in this life. In our weariness and anxiety let's continue to we heed the words of our Lord and take heart in him.


Seven Privileges of God’s Children


Positive COVID Exposure + Plans for Groups and Gatherings