In-Person Gathering update
Sunday Gatherings: As we begin gathering in-person again we will practice social distancing, require face coverings, and require everyone to register through the Church Center App. All in-person gatherings will be limited to 50 people. We will be live-streaming all gatherings at 10 AM on YouTube. And if you'll be in attendance on March 28th and/or April 4th, please bring your own chair and keep in mind we will not have access to restrooms.
Palm Sunday (March 28th): Monroe Soccer Field at 10 AM
Easter Sunday (April 4th): Monroe Soccer Field at 10 AM
On Going (Starting April 11th): ICI at 10 AM
**In the case of inclement weather on March 28th or April 4th, we'll gather at ICI at 5 PM**
And don't forget to download the Church Center app, and then search "Church in the Square"!
Group Meetings: As our groups begin meeting in-person again we will practice social distancing, use face coverings whenever possible, and maintain an online option so everyone can stay connected.
Groups can begin meeting in-person again the week of March 28th.
Please see info graphic for group guidelines.