People are Precious

Human life is precious. Too often this preciousness is assumed. Yet, as is often the case, a truth assumed is a truth denied. Yesterday we witnessed yet another demonstration of this denial when forty Venezuelan migrants arrived at O'Hare airport from San Antonio. We should no longer assume.

Our maker and savior determine our value as human beings. We are designed to embody and reflect the very image of God (Genesis 1:27). Since God's value is ineffable, being made in his image means we are made "very good" (v.31). Not only so, but we are loved to the point of the death of the Son of God (John 3:16). That means God didn't just make something precious, but when the crown of his creation was plagued by sin and death he sent Christ to redeem, restore, and heal (15:13).

People should be seen, treated, and enjoyed as image bearers loved by God, first and foremost, and without equivocation. Regardless of citizenship status, people should never be used as pawns in politics. Professor M. Daniel Carrol R. explains that "immigrants and refugees are people above all else, people caught up in the trials, tribulations, and joys of life." And people are precious.

As a church family, we are deeply troubled by the recurring mistreatment of migrant people. They are not being treated, seen, and enjoyed as people. Yes, this is a political plea but not for a particular party. Our appeal is neither conservative nor progressive, but kingdom minded. And while we desire the behavior of our leaders and the legislation of our country to reflect these values we acknowledge that the kingdom almost always begins like a mustard seed and then grows into a tree (Luke 13:19). It begins in obscurity but is soon undeniable.

Therefore we'll continue to support our refugee and migrant neighbors through the resettlement programs we're partnering with and ask you to continue to give to our Refugee Support benevolence. We invite you to read helpful books like Christians at the Border and Mañana to understand the issues around immigration and the resilient faith and stories of our Hispanic brothers and sisters. And let's also be careful what we assume. Because a human being's value should never be denied.


Be Whole


The resurrection is reasonable